几年前,我看了Mitch Albom写的《相约星期二》。书中老教授对生命的热诚和领悟让我大大地改变了人生观。由于太喜欢这本书,所以一共读了至少十来次。不管身在哪儿,我每次看到老教授每况愈下的描述都会流眼泪,连在拥挤的火车上也不例外。
Mitch Albom最近又写了一本新书,叫《Have a little faith》。书中谈的是一个老犹太教教士请他写悼文的过程。这本书虽没有像《相约星期二》那样字字珠玑,但我还是看到了两段很有意思的话,不得不记录于此。
I think people expect too much from marriage today. They expect perfection. Every moment should be bliss. That's TV or movies. But that is not the human experience.
Twenty good minutes here, forty good minutes there, it adds up to something beautiful. The trick is when things aren't so great, you don't junk the whole thing. It's okay to have an argument. It's okay that the other one nudges you a little, bothers you a little. It's part of being close to someone.
But the joy you get from that same closeness - when you watch your children, when you wake up and smile at each other - that is a blessing. People forget that.
老教士:The word "commitment" has lost its meaning. It used to be positive. A committed person was someone to be admired. He was loyal and steady. Now a commitment is something you avoid. You don't want to tie yourself down. Real commitment requires staying power.
作者:And if you don't commit?
老教士:Your choice. But you miss what's on the other side.
作者:What's on the other side?
老教士:A happiness you cannot find alone.
A happiness you cannot find alone. 这话说得多好呀!的确,一个人可以有一个人的快乐,但有些快乐,终究还得两个人才行。承诺通常意味着选择与随之而来的局限,结果是否如意也难说。但是,不入虎穴,焉得虎子。有时候,人就是得凭着信念作出决定。